
This is the place where I talk about my thoughts, feelings, and impressions about life. Too often as human beings we forget who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. My goal is to help others take a step back and see life through someone else's eyes.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Together Forever"

I know I know......you are all shocked that I am actually writing something on my blog. It's been a while, but recent events have turned my thoughts to the concept of love.  Now we see love portrayed all around us. The  newest songs and biggest movies all have something to do with this concept. But I'm not talking about one night stands, cheesy pick up lines, or even the love that ends with the marital vow "til death do us part". I know love to be something greater.

While I was in Hawaii a couple weeks ago, I saw an example of the type of love that I mean. As I was walking through the National Pacific Cemetery, or better known as the Punchbowl, I found these three headstones.

Now I want you to take a look at these headstones. On the bottom headstone, are engraved the names of a set of twins named Robert Louis Jr, and Traci-Lynn. These twins both died in 1963 and were buried together. The twins died within 10 months of each other. At the top is engraved a cross.

The headstone on the right is etched with another pair of names. This time they are the names Ramona and Romel Kaleookalani. Both twins died on June 18, 1972. Again at the top of the headstone, there is a cross.

I want you now to focus on the last headstone. There the name of Robert L. Galeira Sr is engraved. The man was born in January of 1938 and died Sep. 29 2008. 

I wish I could put into words the feeling that came over me as my mind finally grasped the difference between the first two stones, and the last one. There at the top of the Robert's headstone was the depiction of a man sounding his horn and etched into the stone at the bottom was placed the words "Together Forever". 

I know with all my heart that the love that Robert came to know and understand between the time that his two sets of twins passed away, over 30 years ago, is the love that our God intended us to have. It is the love that the passing of a loved one cannot take away, but is instead perpetuated beyond the grave.  This love is not defined, restricted, nor does it abide by the phrase "til death do us part". It is more simply put and understood in two simple words, and they are the words "Together Forever".  

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